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September 11, 2021

Jackson Park

89. Philadelphia Vireo

90. Warbling Vireo

91. Red-eyed vireo

92. Gray-cheeked Thrush

93. Northern waterthrush

94. Bay-breasted warbler

95. Blackpoll warbler

96. Red-shouldered hawk

97. Rose-breasted grosbeak

June 28, 2021

Pomona College

82. White-throated swift

83. Anna's hummingbird

84. Acorn woodpecker

85. Black phobe

86. Common raven

87. California towhee

May 22, 2021

Kroc Field

74. Monk parakeet

May 15, 2021

Jackson Park

69. Blue-gray gnatcatcher

70. Red-breasted nuthatch

71. Wood thrush

72. Palm warbler

73. Indigo bunting

April 10, 2021

Jackson Park

53. Red-Breasted Mergaser

54. Mourning Dove

55. American Coot

56. Northern Rough-Winged Swallow

57. Swamp Sparrow

58. Yellow-Rumped Warbler

November 22, 2020

Jackson Park

50. Common Redpoll 

51. Northern Mockingbird

August 28, 2021

Lake George

88. Bald eagle

June 26, 2021

Jackson Park

75. Eastern kingbird

76. Cliff swallow

77. Purple martin

78. Cedar waxwing

79. Orchard oriole

80. Baltimore oriole

81. Common yellowthroat

April 18, 2021

Jackson Park

59. Blue-winged teal

60. Caspian tern

61. Red-tailed hawk

62. Brown Creeper

63. Brown Thrasher

64. Chipping Sparrow

65. Dark-eyed Junco

66. Brown-headed cowbird

May 14, 2021

Jackson Park

67. Spotted Sandpiper

68. Green heron

March 22, 2021

Galien River County Park

51. Tree Swallow 

52. Eastern Phoebe

November 1, 2020

Gibson Island, Maryland

48. Eastern Bluebird

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